My colleague from India came here for his honeymoon. I've never met him before. We have always been in communication via conference calls and even skype. My boss once shared all our profiles so that we all have an idea how we all looked like since it looks as if we may never have a chance to group all at once in the same place.
And so, I met them up at KLCC. Monzoor and his wife. Gave him 2 hours to go round KLCC, before we took him to KL Tower. My first time there as well. Muahahha. Then we headed off to the Curve for more shopping.
The day went fine, except that I suspected a tinge of awkwardness between the two. Monzoor kept asking if the wife's alright , if she's afraid of heights, if she wants to do this or that. It's like going all the way out to ENSURE she's happy. They even had a tiff inside a store, and just so happen me and andrew were sitting right across watching the whole drama, as the wife ran off and sat at the bench, facing the opposite direction.
The next day, the friend whom they were staying with asked how it all went. So I told her that they seems kinda awkward, even had a big Bangalore vs Chennai debate. She's from Bangalore and he's from Chennai. And then the friend said it's an arranged marriage...'give chance lah'....
Gosh, things became much clearer after that :)