After a chat with my close friends I realize we fall into the trap of mommying the husband. Is it because we are more efficient or too anal ? It is the husband just plain out to annoy us by being defiant or are we simply asking for too much??? Perhaps it's time to reevaluate some of our priorities. I must admit my son comes first because he is a child and a child depends on us for almost everything. Many is in the opinion that the woman must almost fulfil every single role - the mother and the wife. But no one speaks of what a man should do as a husband. While the husband is always said to be neglected but no one feels for the woman when she is sidelined by the husband. I like to think that this is not a norm because I do hear of husbands who would give a pat of encouragement for the wife who toiled the whole day for the child.... Or the husband who still remembers to buy flowers and gifts, or at least a simple thank you on a really tough day at home.