Saturday, October 17, 2020


What a year this has been, and what a ride it has been and continues to be ! It’s the year of the covid19 pandemic. I can’t remember the last time I was this overwhelmed ; might have been during Lucas first year . But this is way way longer than that. I have I think lost about 9kgs. Probably ran about close to 2500km. Started cooking again daily. The worst was probably the first 3 months as I battle work and Lucas’ online school at home. I think few could relate to this ordeal but keeping sane was a huge feat. So I have probably watched more series than I would have really liked to. There are days when I embraced working from home, but there were also days when I craved for company. I did spent more time with Lucas though I have to admit not all were quality time. It is possible that you may love someone but might not necessarily need to see that person 24hours/day? 
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