Friday, June 30, 2023

Retirement and such

Reflections from the year- as I grow older and friends around me have been prompting my thoughts on retirement plans. The year has been quite eventful on the work end and family side too-been always invested in trying to find new things to do at work , but few older people have told me to perhaps channel my energy onto my own retirement plans. “Sprint to my own personal investments “. Have not really put much thought into this - I have always been on a “savings” mode , sometimes indulging on things I like to do. Eg I have been signing up for classes 1) for my own personal interest 2) try new things 3) develop new skills 4) bringing my son along for his own development too. 

I suppose I have never envisioned this era in my 40s would come to a realisation I better have a plan! I could play the investment card and make enough for me to continue my not so lavish lifestyle… but comfortable enough to do what I want, eat and drink what I like.. Or I could start a business - hopefully something I like to do and envision myself doing for the next 20 years. Or do nothing and pray for some promotion that would still give me a good run towards retirement. 

Recently inspired by my I think first boss ever who had decided he has enough of strategising and making money for the company…. And opened a cafe in a quiet place with tranquil surrounding. It’s small but it’s channeling what he loves best - cooking . 

I would love to find that balance. I don’t want a hectic life for sure and don’t think my body could withstand another stressful run for the money .

Something back of mind is also what if I could no longer run…. It will have to be yoga … or maybe play some music? Pick up that guitar again that I could never master.

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