Wednesday, May 01, 2024


It’s been more than a month since his passing. Seems not so long ago we can hear him crack a joke, always jovial and positive about everything in life. He was always very enthusiastic and even in the condition he was in, he strides on with much gusto everyday. How does one do that ? I always admired his silent strength, celebrating small wins and taking joy in the smallest of things. He would never brush you off or dismiss you, whether you are a child or an adult or an elderly. He touched so many people and it’s evidentiary from the people we know. I remember wheeling him around the mall and he said “ hey this is so convenient, for everyone, perhaps you should encourage your dad to let you wheel him around too.” Yes that’s Alvyn. Without ego and always caring for others before himself. RIP Alvyn, I wish I could update you on what’s happening in the EV and automotive space, the friends you introduced to me and where we are at.  

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