Saturday, December 15, 2012


It is pretty amazing that we survived the 10 months of Lucas Yeong. Amidst the busy work schedule and us trying to juggle parenthood, and getting a new house. 2012 went by in a flash. And it is a year of humility and love and being grateful.

As a mother I learnt that there are some things beyond our control and god is always watching out for us, there are times when you have to say que sera sera. I remember those moments vividly when Lucas was in the incubator the first week of his life. And when he went back to the hospital for 2 nights because of jaundice.and when he had his first flu.

I am ever grateful to my family especially my mother for showering boundless love to Lucas and us. Our little family unit would not be anything without this love. Mom for taking care of Lucas when I have to work, and dad for entertaining my son who loves the porch under the hot sun. Erche for entertaining him and showering him little hugs and kisses. Book for letting Lucas sleep with mom in the book's household, and letting him bring the house down with his whining! My mom. Has done so much more for me than I can ever to her. A mother's love truly knows no boundary. Yaps told me she learn to appreciate her mother more when she became a mother herself. I could not agree more.

Suddenly a lot of things don't matter anymore. A lot of things seems very petty now that I am a mother. Someone wrote that when a baby is born , a mother is born too and god passes on a bundle of energy to the mother to brave the front for the little ones. How true! Never did I imagine I could find the strength that I have now. Of course a smile and a laugh from Lucas is enough to rejuvenate me. 10 months of a hiatus, and many more to come!

I think Andrew has grown too. It is not easy to deal with a work schedule like his and a demanding wife haha. But I only demand time and devotion because of an advice my friend gave me; kids grow up very fast, and before you know it they will be going off to university and would have their own family. Secretly I love it when Lucas clings to me like a koala bear and it worries me that I am loving it so much that learning to detach when he gets older would be a feat! And I want Andrew to feel that and not miss it.

I count my blessings for my little water dragon and my rooster man!

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