Friday, April 21, 2006

Contented Vs Complacent

I met up with a friend of mine on the chatline today. He's a dear friend, and we've been through a lot together. And at one point during our conversation, I told him that he has to be contented. I think he misunderstood it as being complacent. Contented versus complacent, it's a very different thing. Complacent is when you have done what you thing is the best you could ever do and that you are at that comfort zone where you just don't want to budge from. And contented just simply means being grateful for what you have and really living ITeveryday, appreciating life as it is. It's funny that I never used to be contented. Always full of rage, always thinking that life is unfair, nothing is the way I want it, everything gets in my way. I still think that way, at some point in life. But once disease-stricken, it really changed my views of life. There was a time when I feared that I would lose my voice and worse still, my sight. I feared that I would lose those simple virtues I have taken granted of. Then, I vowed that I would appreciate what I have, what I can see..and speech. I want to voice my opinion when I can, and when I can't, I turn to my journal.
I think we have to stop thinking how dreadful and miserable our lives are. It's terrible that we sometimes celebrate it. I think that's what my friend does. He celebrated the fact that his life is fucked up..and it dwells...and swells..and it overtakes his mind.
There's no clear path in our journey of life..but let's decorate the path, and take the path in a happier mode. Why choose to be SAD....

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