Friday, November 10, 2006


I spot a wannabe everywhere I go:
1) Gwailo wannabe- people who speak with a fake accent- American or British (with Scottish slang lagi!)
2) Black wannabe- been spotting a lot of youngsters trying to look like a black rapper- chains of bling blings, basketball jerseys over t-shirts, with caps worn sideways sporting a fake 'black' language
3) Hongky wannabe- Aiiii...too much influence from TVB! Almost every Chinese dress like Hongkong stars- I can't stand those short cardigans that looks like as if the bottom was chopped off. Even if fashion is an art meant to be misunderstood...but what's the point of that cardigan?
4) Japanese wannabe- Malaysian women wanting to be cute- even if they don't sport the petite-ness of the Japanese women. Yuck. Puke. These usually endup looking like Ahlians anyways.
I know there's only so much we can do about superficiality. People can do whatever they wanna do. But really, we've gotta stop being copycats. Where's our identity?


Dilip Mutum said...

I am quickly picking up the British accent here. Does that makes me a Gwailo wannabe? ;-) As they say, in Rome do as the Romans do (and talk like they talk).

Anonymous said...

I wholeheartedly agree with you! Especially the so-called British accents - that's the lamest!

tihtahpah said...

Adam: some accents are genuine and some are faked...if you pick it up then fine..but there are those who pretend they dont understand malaysian english when they are back...even though they've lived in Malaysia for a longer good part of their lives...

Anonymous said...

That's BS - There's no such thing as picking up a 'genuine' accent and forgetting your own. You can only pick up 'another' accent. I can pull off an American accent. BUT in the mamak my english can be as AhLian as you want! Just don't flaunt your accent - it's not cool! Speak normally lar with your friends. Isn't it more embarassing when your 'accent' is WRONG?

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