In the age of information, is it fair to expect people to know what's happening in the world? or at least what's happening in their country or around them? Or at least just to not be ignorant? People say that the rich should not look down on the poor, is it the same as the knowledgable should not look down on the ignorant? And I don't mean the smart looking down on the dumb - Well, if you think you're smart, that's not smart at all. All I'm talking about is people not spending enough time to read the news or to find out how things work around them or how your own government runs or heck, just to READ !! I mean, with google, wiki, blogs, podcasts ... how can you still not know anything?? BUT the question is ... is it unreasonable to look down on people who doesn't know anything? I'm not targeting just any lay person, but someone who's got a friggin degree - Hey, if you're educated up to that level, I'm gonna have expectations on ya. Is this fair?
I don't judge a person by his/her qualifications, as qualifications does not make one wise. Also, stuff on the internet, are cluttered disputable information, how factual do we know it is? I'd say believe it with a pinch of salt and common sense (that's the tough part as many are deprived by this). ;-) Nice article - definitely food for thought. Are you Tih, Tah or Pah? LOL
Gallivanter: I agree that the internet is full of crap but it's also full of treasure. Yeah, common sense & a bit of knowledge will help us find them & distinguish them from the others. But how do people get that bit of knowledge & common sense in the first place? ... I believe it's through the hardwork of reading & opening up da eyez & earz, no? So I guess we still have to start from reading - and the more we read, the more we'd be able to filter out the BS.
Qualification does not make one wise - That is true. Easier said than done - Because it's still very frustrating to see an unwise high qualification/position dude.
Tih,Tah or Pah? I'm just 1/3 of the crew, I'd have to ask the other 2/3 to see if we are ready to reveal it. Nice try tho ;)
If a person has a qualification and doesn't seem to meet it, I'd say it'd be fair to start questioning the qualification, the methods of education, and the learning attitude of the person involved. Normally, I don't find it grounds to start looking down on people, though I would be mightily disappointed.
On the other hand, people who CLAIM to know a lot about something, who put on airs and act smug about it, but end up NOT knowing it at all... that gets on my nerves a lot.
Galli: i remember she told us that the font colors indicate who's who. There are black fonts, aqua fonts and green fonts.
It not wrong to be ignorant but just dont boast that you can (in whatever)do but in fact you don't.
gallivanter: dont tell Endroo G!..let him guess!
tihtahpah But of course... ;-)
The plot thickens...
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