Tuesday, April 22, 2008

The Pursuit of Happyness

There's no drama, and no over-the-top scenes, but heart-wrenching nevertheless. I think you just can feel the connection between man and son, and what the man was going through. And perhaps maybe one or two of us have felt the same way at some point in our lives. When you just wanna achieve so much, and even when you did, you're up against a series of disappointments and frustration. And you're just hinging on a sliver of hope. Now, haven't we all felt that before?

Will Smith gives a great protrayal in this movie. The movie felt real, and it wasn't decorated with a lot of shocking or dramatic scenes, but just real and raw feelings that would just bring you to tears. The chemistry between him and his son, Jaden in this movie only adds a genuine feel to the movie.

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