Thursday, April 05, 2007

What about them Gays?

More often than not I hear of people smirking about gays or cracking jokes about them. Some will grimace in disgust even horror when they know of anyone who's turned to 'the other side'. Familiar and standard questions would be 'why the hell they wanna DO that?", 'can the 'same-gender-preference' condition be reversed back?". Most just go "Yerrrr", "faggot", "yucks".

It's only people here that do that. Despite knowing that there is a large community of gays here and that they DO exist and is everywhere. Despite the fact that in some countries same-sex marriages are legal.

One of my buddies is gay. On most levels, I do think he's a better man than most men I know. And no, it's not because he's just MORE SENSITIVE, but he's also more articulate, caring, a metrosexual for sure, alert and more accomodating. And no, he doesnt walk like a woman or act like one! He tells me of how people here keep mistaking transvestites for gays..... it's a totally different issue he says. My observation is that gays tend to write longer and more detailed sms-es instead of the brief ones you get from straight guys like "OK", "K", "NO", "later".

We really need to break free from all these narrow perceptions that we've formed. Educate your peers. Let's not forget that these gays are also human. How would you feel if someone smirks at the sight of you with your other half because you're abnormal

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