Friday, December 29, 2006

Love Is A Many Splendoured Things can you say about is a many splendoured things as Nat King Cole put it. Love is a great many things. It carries with it so much burden and joy: frustrations, desperation, expectations, depression, agony..and the list goes on and on.And nobody says love is limited to only intimate relationship between a man and a woman. I see love everywhere, no restrictions.
Family- This must be the greatest love of all..but it is the most taken for granted by most people because its the one kind that you can count on..definitely. How many people would go up to their dad/mom and say I love u? It is the most silent form of love. Sisterly and brotherly love -its like a form of may not be able to share everything with your siblings, but well 70% is good enough..the other 30% (comprises of naughty things you've done that would be considered taboo, for ur family anyway) better left unshared.
Mother and a child- I never really thought of this until my sister was pregnant. She looks beaming with joy..its a really indescribable feeling, something only us observers could only hope to feel. Everything revolves around that tiny mass in her womb. To her..watching her tummy grow is the most amazing and fulfilling kind of love...that nobody can take away.
Man & Woman- Why this is the most sung of type of love! seriously..i dunno what the music or the movies industry would do without the existence of this love. Everyone approaches it differently. Its the kind of love when you're the most unsure of. Should i tell him/her now, or later? Am I ready? When should i take the next big step to marriage? How to maintain the relationship? Am I good enough for him/her? Are we really compatible? It could be the most amazing kind when you've found the ONE. Many disputes on who is the ONE, but ask yourself, do you not know/feel when you've found him/her? Everything would seems so right... I believe there is a flicker of hope still. Just keep searching and rummaging through the piles of bastards and bitches you meet. :)
Man & Wife- Ain't this like the most comfortable stage to be in? If its not, then you should rethink your marriage vows. This love strong as it may be, carries with it responsiblity and commitment. Simple things like who to do the accounts, who to do the grocery, who to pay the bills, who to cook, who to clean the house...all play a part in the responsibility. And commitment- well, you can't look at another woman/man quite the same way. So out with the flirting, ONS, casual sex, courting...all that goes out of the marriage window, and you're left with the only person you are to grow old with.
Friendship- This is treasure to me, more than any gold in the world. Even despite being involved in a relationship some time ago, I never forgotten about friendship. Its what that has helped me through the many weak moments of my life. Through sickness, breakups, failures, disappointments, sorrow, my friends stood by me. Sometimes just to listen, sometimes just to while the time away, plainly to be there for u. The only thing that gets to me is how easily friends come and go in your life. One minute you guys are best buddies, and the next minute, you're thinking of an excuse to not meet this friend! Perhaps the friendship never had a 'solid' foundation anyway. I tend to keep the friends I love close- be it a phone call, a simple email, an sms, a simple hi. But it hurts sometimes when you realize that you may value the friendship more than the other party.
Well, the search for the ultimate love some might say is bollocks! Which one person can give you all this, 5 in1? A husband? A wife? I say, spread the love ! It's everywhere. Appreciate what's around you. You'll never know when it's gone.


Anonymous said...

That's the season for now - LOVE
Muakz tihtahpah!
love ya!

Anonymous said...

was it ever out of season? ;)

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