Saturday, December 16, 2006

What Beauty is To Me....

There's really no divine definition for beauty. There is beauty in almost everything we see around us, if only we stop to 'smell the roses' (pinjam from Tache :) ) I see beauty in a child's laughter, babies can't fake laughter like adults do, babies shriek in utter happiness. I see beauty in a genuine heartfelt smile that gives that person a glow. I see beauty in that boy last night who told me affectionately and honestly of how great his mom is, supporting him at times when he's being a nuisance. I see beauty in an unsaid bond between grandparents and their grandchildren, as they play happily together despite the generation gap. I see beauty in a mother overwhelmed with the sight of her newborn child. I see beauty in friends who stick by each other through thick and thin, even if boyfriends and girlfriends fail them. I see beauty in a nervous elderly man holding hands with his wife at his bedside awaiting surgery- that unbeatable support and warmth that comes free. I see beauty in a reluctant farewell and goodbyes at the airport. So yah, guys/girls may sit and gawk at beautiful women/men, but there's more to beauty than just bod and face. Look around you and spot beauty - genuine beauty.


Anonymous said...

Beauty is subjective.
I see beauty in men's tears. :)

Anonymous said...

Life is beautiful.

Anonymous said...

Eye of the beholder. 'nuff said :P

tihtahpah said..., hahahhahaa...i know i know..was just trying to be more elaborate :)

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