Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Reevaluating Yourself

We're really good at work about doing things right, doing a 6 month trend analysis against our Key Performance Index, ensuring that we meet customer satisfaction by practise of PDCA cycle and laying out the Company's Objectives and Policy. It's funny that although these are great tools, not all of us apply it in our daily lives. Do you have your goals- short term and long term? 3-year or 5-year plan? Do you sit down and really do a reflection on your life, or even just on your actions the day before? Do you actually think of ways to better yourself? I always think that work is just work, it's just a tool to getting you what you really want. And sometimes work can be so meaningless- does it do anything to help mankind? Will kids suffer less by that little meeting you just had at work with your peers? What about friends you don't see enough these days because you are too busy at work? MAKE TIME. When was the last time you had a meal with your parents? When was the last time you actually had a good walk and stop to "smell the roses"? Start re-evaluating yourself.


Anonymous said...

Hang out with me, and I'll teach you folks how to smell and EAT the roses, so you can be a rosier than you are now. :-P

Anonymous said...

Yup, my next evaluation session is coming right up around Christmas time... :)

tihtahpah said...

Many people are afraid to do a self reflection session- too much reality kicking in...and your worst fears are all revealed. But we've gotta do it in order to improve. No self-help books can do that for you.

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