Financial instability is not an unusual phenomenon for most young people in KL. Just wanna share with all of you with my financial crisis recently or perhaps I can put it for 3 years since my dad went on bankruptcy. Ladies and gentlemen, it is not fun at all or definitely not a just-to-get-an-experience kinda thought when you spent money excessively or even buying stuff without proper planning. I have recently found out that my home have a lot of stuff which I don't think we will ever use now or even for more than 3 times after we bought it previously. When you can't pay housing loan, car loan or emergency payments, one word for you, you're fucked! You can't even sleep, practically not as syiok as before, and this is when all prayers will automatically rush out from your mouth and sometimes in different languages! The awful part is when you want to eat out, you will firmly try looking for the cheapest fried noodles and go for a 2 glasses of RM 0.40 chinese ice tea instead of 1 glass of 'teh o ais limau' which will cost you RM 1.30 at least. Nevertheless no cash means you're actually sort of a stay-home person and don't think credit cards can solve the cashless problems, if you have this thinking, once again you're fucked! Do not ever try to look cool or think you're old enough to buy a condo unit or a house when after the housing installment you're left with RM 300 for the whole month as your expenses. Similarly do not think the attractive BMW or Toyota Camry with the 9-year installment plan will ease your burden and make you look good in that car when you are not even sure whether you have sufficient money rolling in to pump fuel or even your road tax! So boys and girls, spend wisely and control your financial rollout and trust me, without proper financial planning and savings, one more time, you're fucked!!! -GuestWriter- KennyL
Nice one!! I've been guilty of it at times, but I haven't dig myself a grave yet. Have decided to stem the outflow by restricting my social habits. Got a condo to pay for. :-P
You must have really hoped that people will get your message here. Yeah. Thanks for reminding us to spend wisely. We understand you good will.
But you don't need to post twice to tell us lah. ;)
oi..just to make things clear ar..this is not ME..not TIHTAHPAH..its from a guest writer dad not a bankrupt...ahhaha
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