Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Taking Matters with a Shrug

Sometimes we do take things too seriously. Sometimes we get worked up over a silly thing. Sometimes we fark someone up just because he/she made a small mistake. Sometimes we hold a grudge and months later could not even remember what the issue was in the first place. Sometimes we find it hard to just forgive and forget. Sometimes we get depressed and we enter a black hole that we can no longer be saved. Sometimes we get frustrated when our love is unreturned. Sometimes we get angry because we got robbed by a snatch thief and think what the hell is the police doing. Sometimes we get impatient at the waiting line of a long queue. Sometimes we get worked up when we got into an accident and worry over the aftermath.. I think we've all gotta sometimes sit back and shrug it off and just take it as bad luck but that things will get better. See the positive side or make the best out of it.'s just MORE exhausting to worry and fret over it. Things just get settled more easily when you're NOT worked up and calm. I and some friends had a bad start for the NEW YEAR but seriously, I think that I probably wouldn't have handled it better without my family's and friends' support. Thanks guys!


Lex said...

Perhaps we all should learn to accomodate to 'shit happens' but hey, we are human after all. AH! I just contradicted myself lol

Anonymous said...

*shrugs* :P

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