Thursday, January 25, 2007

Know The Bad to Know What's Good

People always say : "Stay away from bad people, they are a bad influence." Well, here's a story I would like to share...... Years ago, I met this lady. We were working together and she was the Assistant Manager of a restaurant. She was way way older than me. She once related to me how she used to be a nightclub mamasan. The sleazy ones. She said back then, she didn't have a care and only wanted to make a lot of money. And she did. She said that she was really blinded by the material world and only then to realize the consequences much later. She got married alright, but she said her husband never gave her much respect because of her background. The man beat her up a few times. Once I even had to fetch her from home. Aside from that, her body was worn down from the business- once a beautiful young thing, now she sports short hair, with bad skin (probably from alcohol) and unshapely body -side effects from popping birth control pills. She also told me, she had to adjust and accept the fact that she had 'expired' and no longer has 'market value'. Always, she told me, not to go into prostitution even if you feel like you've got nowhere to go. It's just not worth it. So, if anything, she has been a good influence, quite contrary to what people might say. I've always said, you've gotta know the bad to know what's good.

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