Monday, February 05, 2007

Say What You Mean & Mean What You Say

These goes out especially to people who are unable to express themselves clearly and appropriately. Some people just say something to be heard. Talk cock and sing song shit is fine, but at the end of the day you don't wanna leave the impression that talk cock is all you can do. When you don't say what you mean, you also resort to ALL SORTS of things to try and get your message across. Passing the message through a friend, leaving innuendos, dropping hints, etc, I dunno why the hell people dont just come outright and say it out. All that effort when you can just say it out loud. The other type of person is the type who never mean what he/she says. He/She would say that he loves you when he/she is really just looking for a non-commital relationship. Why not just be upfront and say so? Saves a whole lotta time and money, I'm sure. Or they refrain from telling a friend that she's wrong because they don't wanna cause a scene. Why not just be honest and tell the friend off? Isn't that what friends are for? Many people feel that we should always 'jaga hati orang' but I think concealing the truth only spoils that person. That person will never learn. Give the fella the brutal honesty and let him decide what he wants to do with it. You can be straightforward without being blunt. You can be honest without being cruel. Just choose your words carefully.


Anonymous said...

It's easier said than done I suppose, when it comes to being honestly brutal. I for one have never been good at sugar-coating. Either I keep mum or be blunt, it depends on how fragile the person I'm being honest to is...

Anonymous said...

We all ought to choose our words wisely but sometimes people can be blinded and say things that they don't mean. In the end, it will bring one person towards a roller coaster ride.

Anonymous said...

Speak English and say it tactfully.
Don't hint, that's a pussy act.

Anonymous said...

Honesty is the best policy.

Anonymous said...

Be honest, but diplomatic. Unless the bugger deserves it :D

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