Tuesday, September 19, 2006


I'm a first-timer attending my company's month Sales Meeting. Its' a meeting where people tore on their business issues and the management gives constructive comments and strategic solutions. I sat there listening to all the hooks and bends in business- in awe really. I wonder if everyone in the meeting understood what was being said at all. Then I looked all around and saw most of them with their eyes half-shut. Kekeke. I realize that I really don't have the business sense...I'm just not sneaky enough, too honest even, I hate doing customer support, not bold enough I guess to be a business person. All this sales mumbo-jumbo gives me more headache than the drive. I mean, the product is there, take it or leave it. Simple as that. Imagine how much simpler life would be if the a product is sold~ politics-free, bribe-free, hassle-free, and sold purely based on its exceptional quality. I mean, if the product is lousy, no fking incredible salesmanship could make ME buy anything.


Anonymous said...

OH, you'd be surprised how some fking incredible salesmanship could make YOU wanna buy some damn lousy products ... it happens ...

Anonymous said...

unfortunately everything in life is about selling....selling yourself during interviews, selling yourself during a date, selling yourself : pretending to be cool. Although my professional has nothing to do with business but I learnt it the hard way that although I work hard I have to also work hard selling myself as a hard worker. Salemanship applys to life too...sad but true.Just want to be accepted for myself, flaws and all

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