Indecent Proposal
Pussy Cat Dolls indecent performance in Malaysia costs the organizers a hefty fine. Thanks to Malaysia's Culture Minister. Hey, I'm not a fan, but I don't object to sensous performance, or in that matter any performance of any kind, if it is an expression for the love of music or money-churning purposes. Why? Did they think us Malaysians are gonna start having orgies because of that performance? What makes them think there isn't one here already? Did they think we're gonna start dressing up like Pussycatdolls? Some of us are already dressing like that. Or that we are gonna start having promiscuous solicitation? What makes you think it's not already happening? The society is already so heavily-influenced what with the easy accessibility that I really don't think we need to have censorship anymore. What's the point? I would think the rakyat has the intelligence to know what's wrong and right, we don't need the government to 'protect' us. Why pretend of what we really are?
hear hear, thats right WHY PRETEND ? the way we all know it is politically NOT morally motivated
... a COVERup...
That's how it works here, I guess.
In fact I was really surprised to see the Pussy Cat Girls in such skimpy outfits! I thought that they would be forced to put on outfits that cover from their necks to their ankles if they want to perform here.
(Eg. The Mariah Carey concert a few years back)
its so like our ministers to make noise only AFTER the show. I say, empty vessels make the most noise!
Everyone should dress like them!
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