Wednesday, January 17, 2007


I think all of us have at one point or another FFK-ed or being FFK-ed by. But why do we FFK? Or better yet, why did we commit to an appointment in the first place if we were gonna FFK anyhow? In those instances perhaps due to 'unforeseen circumstances', FFK cannot be helped. But here are some of the reasons me and Kye came up with....
1) FFK-er decided to ditch last minute because the crowd was too small. Some people are not comfortable doing a one-on-one or they prefer bigger crowds. Alamak....
2) Somebody ajak-ed FFK-er to a better outing. Maybe it was with a better crowd, more pretty/handsome fellas, free lunch/dinner....
3) FFK-er was 'detained' by the gf/bf. In another words, ' cannot get passport!!!'
4) FFK-er is just too lazy. Lazy to drive. Lazy to dress up. Lazy to 'layan'. Lazy to chat.
And here's a list of famous FFK liners...
1) Got something to do/Something came up last minute/Can't make it- either by phone or sms.
2) Tomorrow need to work, too late already. (lame-o, why did u agree to the agreed time and date in the 1st place)
3) Cannot get passport ( hahhaa..understood, this actually can't be helped...)
And etc.......But some FFK-ers have valid reasons to FFK .....but then some can be really good at 'actin', cooking up a fantastic cock&bull story, bluffing their way through.... Either way, I think FFK is inevitable, but it shouldn't jeopardize other people's schedule or plans. If you really need to FFK, please FFK 'awal-awal'. Don't ffk when the fella is already waiting for you in some cacat kopitiam... And try not to FFK with an sms....give the fella a call, have a bit of courtesy :)


Anonymous said...

*sigh* reminds me of this person who FFK -ed me three times in a row... using SMS. Fortunately I was not in a cacat kopitiam.

tihtahpah said...

HAHAHAHAHAAHAH....i think u should call that fella out and ffk him/her balik! Ask the fella out to a cacat kopitiam

Anonymous said...

how to define a cacat kopitiam ???

I did that a few times. SMSFFK.

tihtahpah said...

arghh..endroo...i didnt know you were a SMS-FFK-er!

Anonymous said...

Note to all habitual FFK-ers:

Learn this word. It's a good word.

It's "NO".

If you don't want to go for some lame gathering, just use this magic word. Why wait till last minute? Why give hope to people you'd rather not see? Just say no!

Anonymous said...

I'll try to ffk u with sms...
piss u off.. ahha

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