Monday, September 11, 2006

Accident SOP

Can someone please help me out with a “Standard Operating Procedure” when met with an accident? Reason being that some guy banged into my car and up till now, I have yet to have EVERYTHING settled. The back of my car, the bumper and the tail lights are all done. Paint job done. BUT, the workshop tried to con me by installing an ‘un-original’ tail light though I specifically asked for the ‘ORIGINAL’.
Anyhow, without further ado, here is…
Tihtahpah recommended SOP:-
1. Immediately stop the car, or move on to the emergency lane. Ensure that the idiot who banged your car is following your lead.
2. Get down from car. CURSE if you need to. Take down necessary details (IC No., House address from IC or get latest, Handphone no., House Tel No., Insurance No.-he may not be claiming but just take it down, Car plate no., idiot’s business card if he has).
3. Check the phone no. to ensure that the number actually works.
4. Quickly assess damage by calling some workshop people you know to get estimate on how much it would cost.
5. Bargain (no insurance claim required for minimal damage) :-
(i) Get the person to pay cash (amount exceeding the cost estimated).
(ii) If person disagrees with amount, get him to get an estimate as well.
(iii) No compromise?, then better to send the car to your workshop and have this estimated properly. Get person/idiot to concur by getting his workshop rep to assess.
(iv) Disagree when person/idiot asks that the car be fixed at his recommended workshop.
(v) Bill to be sent to person/idiot for claim.
6. Bargain (insurance claim required):-
i) report to police within 24 hours, the IDIOT has to report too
ii) call insurance company immediately after report and send all documents to insurance company
iii) send car for repair ONLY at AUTHORIZED workshop by insurance company, else, u can't claim
* Courtesy of commenter: je*
7. Aftermath
(i) Ensure smooth paint job by urm.. touching the surface, I suppose?
(ii) Ensure tail light (if yours was damaged) is original (ie crystal) by comparing with the other tail light. The fake is usually kinda dull looking. After rain, you will see water forming inside the casing.
(iii) Ensure that the repaired section is leak-proof by… pouring water over it.. duhhh..
(iv) Keep car away from harsh weather conditions (ie rain, sun) at least for a day or two in case paint has not entirely dried up.

I hope I don’t meet another %!$@%$! idiot on the roads of KL.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

For insurance claim;

i) report to police within 24 hours, the IDIOT has to report too
ii) call insurance company immediately after report and send all documents to insurance company
iii) send car for repair ONLY at AUTHORIZED workshop by insurance company, else, u can't claim

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