Monday, August 21, 2006

Japanese Wannabes

This is a real Japanese. However, walking in Malaysian streets these days are Japanese wannabes. Just like any bad imitations, in their desperation to look Japanese, they looked pimped with tardy makeup, plenty of lip gloss, chunky accessories and bizarre clothes. It's either that or Taiwanese wannabes are beginning to sprout. Not only do they wanna dress like the Japanese but they try to instill a Kawaii culture in their daily doings. It's all too *$&(#*% cutesy for me.
My advice is ..JUST BE YOURSELF


Anonymous said...

What about those people who drive cars that look like it came from an Ultraman show?

Bloodnamed Kisiel

tihtahpah said...

Good's the matter how you modify it, it'll still be a Wira in the 'inside'..hahah

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