Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Mentality #2

I just attended a Fire Drill cum Safety induction for the office building I work in, on what was supposed to be a briefing on the duties of a Fire Marshall (yes, I am a Fire Marshall), the evacuation process, instead what I experienced and learned were how MUTE the typical Malaysians are. We had had 2 bomb threats so far and this is no joking matter. Sorry to be rude, but one thing that really irks me is when these executives or management from the many Fortune 100-material-companies residing in the building, they stroll into the meeting hall, in their expensive suits or clothes, holding onto their fancy phone/PDA gadgets, armed with a professional look on their face, and yet, when the time comes for them to speak up, they, I’m guessing here, they either choose to remain MUTE for some weird reason or they choose to discuss among themselves what should really be a question posed to the very people who are giving us the CAUSE to question their ‘rational’ and since we are after all here in Malaysia, the very ‘intelligence’ of some of the outrageous IDEAS people have. Come on, it’s meaningless to chatter amongst yourselves and sometimes get worked-up over it, you need to tell them what your doubts and concerns are. Telling the friend sitting next to you is not going to do nuts. No, I can’t stand for it. I refuse to sit there and listen to people conducting these Fire-cum-Safety briefings who use HIGH-TECH power presentations but have very low quality in content. I choose to QUESTION! If anything, the briefing was downright kindergarten material, the speaker even said that we should not LEAVE our food in the building overnight because there are rats that scurry around and may cause electrical trips that will subsequently cause a FIRE! Goodness GRACIOUS me! I’m not sure to laugh or to be angry that these people think we need to be told of idiotic scenarios to prove their point. Anyhow, the crux of the matter is that these bozos will always be around, but let’s not keep QUIET, I think it’s like a disease we have here. I’m sometimes ashamed that only the foreigners dare to voice their opinions and the typical Malaysians just sit there and nod their heads in agreement. Let’s Speak Up, shall we!


Anonymous said...

I think you are pissed at the fact that the speakers were so lousy and yet we see ppl tolerating the acts... yup..the typical pathetic malaysian way of life......very tihtahpah ah!

Anonymous said...

agree on the Mute Syndrome that the malaysians have...

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