Friday, March 02, 2007

Beauty is In The Eyes of the Beholder...Or not?

The question of beauty bugs me now and then. Once a family friend who was into palmistry at that time said that I like pretty things and be surrounded by pretty things. I told her she was wrong. For what I think is beautiful is different from others. A simple smile, a small gesture, a certain flaw or imperfection intrigues me at times. It's the little things that count.....
But if you love someone, don't you just accept the person for what he/she is? Do you constantly bug him/her to lose weight, or wear a skirt, or put on makeup yadayadayada? Or did you just love the person in the first place because of his/her looks? Because she's hot, and it makes you look good? Because he's a good steal and you want people to know you've hitched him?
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder...sure thing..But what about what we perceive of ourselves? Do you hate the way you look? Do you scrutinize your own self? Do you constantly strive to achieve that perfect body? Do you wish you were taller? I used to think I was too short, too flat, too fat, too etc etc. There was a period of time when I actually hit 43kgs...alamak, that was scary. But right now, I just want to be comfortable with myself. Screw people who think otherwise. People may ask me to do this do that about my appearance, but I'd always ask myself first, WHAT DO I WANT? You don't live your life for those people. You are what you are, so let's just be contented and be happy about yourself.
And beautiful girls are just godly don't you think. I think some Malaysian men have the wrong perception that beautiful girls are bimbos. Just because some girls spend more time on their looks it doesnt necessarily mean they dont spend time on books. Some girls just want it all, and I don't see anything wrong with being ambitious.
A friend once told me he gawks and stares at pretty women because according to him, pretty women dress up so that men can stare at them. They just WANNA BE SEEN. I see some truth in that and there's nothing wrong with that really. It's the whole predator thing going on. The Hunter and the Hunted. But some women just like to play dressup FOR themselves anyways. Because they appreciate fashion and they wanna look good. It's like worshipping god's creation: WOMAN and man's creation: FASHION.
So beauty is not only in the eyes of the beholder...but it's also in our own eyes too. If you feel insecure about your own looks, understand where the insecurity stems from. If it's because people 'ejek' you for years because you're fat or you have sepet eyes....well, maybe you can reverse that negativity and make it into a motivator for you to lose weight. Not everything has to end up in tears. In the meantime, let's get comfortable with our own self first....


Anonymous said...

so, please don'rt shed to little spare tyres ok. Maintain it just for me. :)

Sebastiane said...

If we are confident with ourselves, there would not be problems.


Anonymous said...

endroo!! PDAPDA xD

eh IM A BIMBO !! hahahahaha

Anonymous said...

"If it's because people 'ejek' you for years because you're fat or you have sepet eyes....well, maybe you can reverse that negativity and make it into a motivator for you to lose weight."

What about sepet eyes? :-P

tihtahpah said...

hehehe..well yeah, some guys like sepet eyes and some don't

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