Trailing Gwen: The Sweet Escape
Thanks to the Gallivanter, I sampled the cd of Gwen's The Sweet Escape album. The Sweet Escape featuring Akon and Yummy featuring Pharrell are good upbeat songs. But the songs I really like from this album is Early Winter and 4 In The Morning. Early Winter kinda reminds me of her No Doubt days with soft ballad rock. And 4 In The Morning sounds kinda 90s to me. She has still upkeep her zany somewhat unique style of music that is what really makes her an icon of her era. Glad she threw in some nice ballads to balance the album. All in all, it's a good album for easy listening at 7pm on the way home or on the way to an outing. HAHA. But I wouldn't say it was a great album, for there weren't that many notable good tracks that'd make me wanna hear them over and over again.
"4 in the morning" stood out for me. The rest are so-so. Got bored of SWEET ESCAPE really quickly...
It's not that bad an album.
Love Sweet Escape.
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