Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Up to My Nose

This is my sanctuary to pour my thoughts really, so pls bear with me. Am lately finding myself questioning what the hell i'm doing in the place i work at. i should have left when i had the chance last year but i was persuaded by the great boss of mine and the promise of a better salary that never materialized.
And now i'm stuck here. Doing all sorts and what nots that i don't find particularly stimulating. people say you cannot expect to have great times at work, there would be boring and monotonous moments but maybe this is even lower than the lower limit of expectations.
What i cannot understand or am baffled is how i've probably explained some SAME simple procedures to the same people even of managerial level over the 4 years i've worked here. Imagine hearing yourself uttering the same stupid things over and over again. it's almost as if people do not listen or do not bother to understand.
Good leadership ensures the operation to run smoothly. Even if you have monkeys as subordinates, if delegated and managed well, even monkeys can perform. No? I can't tolerate another meaningless, indecisive, inconclusive meeting anymore.
Yar yar..i know. I need another job. Or another avenue to run to. Working on it.


tihtahpah said...

i share the same sentiment as u...
when u leaving for down under.... i wanna ciao and be a teacher ler

Anonymous said...

sometime next year. I've got to take my skills assessment first. I hate taking tests...


Linking it here just in case you're interested. The US might be a better choice but I heard that getting in there is tight now.

Anonymous said...

Well, apparently only about maybe 15-20% of people have jobs that they really love and can get excited about...
Just keep looking. Some people don't find their calling till they reach 40 or older

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