Wednesday, March 14, 2007

CONFRONTATIONS- the way to go?

Idle minds are the devil's workshop. When one is idle, one tends to indulge in gossips and malice inducing drama and chaos. Things get blown out of proportion and small things gets exaggerated in an effort to make the non-thing become something great.
Why gossip when you can just walk up to the person and confront him/her? Gossips only reflects on how little you are and really cheapens you. If you have a problem with someone, confront him/her. Do not go behind that person's back and gossip, or talk to the person closest to that person u have a problem with. Just go direct to the source. Why waste time beating around the bush? Unless you just loveeee to create gossips...spread the hate or make sure everyone knows what a farker that person is. What do you eventually get?
I do think we Malaysians have a problem with that. We tend to hide behind our desks or our blogs for that matter. Yes it's a place to channel our thoughts. But why do so if you can talk to the person directly. Isn't it much more efficient? Some people also like to insinuate things through their blog, direct their post to a particular person. That's what 'little people' do.
Gossip mongers would not make it far in this life. You'll always be stuck in a web of lies and drama that you've fabricated yourself. People who made it big in this life do not waste time on such immaturity. People who made it big do not keep their mind idle and then fill up their thoughts like gossip-hoarders. People who made it big do not hide but confront.
Maybe we ought to switch to more confrontations and less gossips? I have more respect for people who say their mind to my face. Criticisms ought to be taken objectively and use it for self reflection and should it be constructive criticisms then it ought to be used for self-improvement. How else are we going to 'maju' if we cry or get pissed off everytime we are criticized?
Just some thoughts to ponder on for today. Confront someone you have a problem with today.


sotongking said...

I dun talk behind ppl back nor spread gossips. And certainly im not against u or him. Just like wat u mentioned "liltle people", i despise them. They'r among the lowest morality group. Im all out against them.

You see,there'r "some fanatic" in the blogsphere tat will do anythg just for the traffics. Cud them be categorized as "liltle people"?

Im sure u hate tis kind of ppl even "someone close",eh?

BTW,nice meeting u at the party. tho' u might forgot who am i.

tihtahpah said...

my post is meant for everyone, bloggers and non-bloggers. No one person is singled out. If you have a problem with endroog, pls take it out with him. confront him if you really feel so much about the issue. if you're a guy, i assume.

sotongking said...

Woi ur older than him leh...i assume ur more mature la. so it's ur responsibility to teach him wats right n wats wrong. Tak kan u wan me to teach him...diuz

Realli memper-sia sui-kan!!!!

tihtahpah said...

like i said, if you have a problem with him, take it out on him. not asking you to farking teach him. and i dont need you to tell me what my responsibilities are.

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