Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Take A Hike

Here's a holler to THESE people to take a hike.....
1) Rude people...can't believe someone at work actually hang up on me just because I had a more important meeting to attend to and couldnt attend his meeting.
2) 'Siew Ches'- some just pretend to be one...because it projects a more feminine image. I say bollocks to that. Take your 'siewche-ness' somewhere else.
3) Smart Alecs- some people truly believe that they are smart even if they're not. I sometimes think I prefer to just talkcocksingsong than to deal with smart alecs who's always out to prove taht they're way smarter than you.
4) Young Chikus who are Adult-Wannabes: I think, if you're young, just BE YOUNG. enjoy your youth. Some just wanna grow up so fast and unconsciously, by doing so, they diss younger people activities, more honest-to-goodness type of activities. Dont understand why they wanna grow up so fast. Act mature and talk mature, when really, you come off as being immature anyways. The age shows eventually.
5) Bullies- really, there's many form of bullies...there's the verbal type, the mindfucking type, the undermining type, the physical type, the harrassing type, the take-advantage type.
All I can say is, take a hike and farkoff.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

OMGAWD now m thinking am i siew che am i young chiku >"<

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