Friday, March 23, 2007

My Interview

Here are some of the observations I've made from the many interviews i've attended.
1) Malaysian style: they like to ketuk you, saying you're actually not qualified, even though you were shortlisted, and then they try to ask for your minimum acceptable salary . Someone actually asked me if i'm willing to take a 20% pay cut. it almost feels like i'm in chatuchak market in Bangkok trying to bargain to get the best price.
2) the interviewers like to throw in big words...ask you things that they are fully knowledgeable about. but when you throw in something that they ought to know but they dont, they get bit pissed off coz they think you're a smart alec. they'll most likely look at you blankly and move on to the next question.
3) they always always ask me if i'm married and if i drive. reasonable question i would say, only because even now, a lot of women dont drive and dependent on their spouse for transport.
4) what i'll be doing in 5 years. geez. seriously, i don't really think this is a good question. not in malaysia at least. if you're lucky, you're in a mnc, can say you wanna be in management etc. if you're in a chinaman company not by choice but because you don't have a better job, what can you expect in 5 years? endure or keep looking for a better job. it's easy to plan but to have it realized, there's many factors to consider.
5) what i can contribute to the company. alamak, haven't even hired me and already asking me that. honestly, whatever answer me or another interviewee gives is pure bullshit. why question what i can contribute when if hired, it is the manager's responsibility to ensure i contribute and get things done. ain't it?
I'm looking forward to more intelligent questions from interviewers really. I haven't met a good one so far. perhaps a few who actually requested that i prepare a related presentation.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

*blink blink*

Nope, never tried any of those in my interviews.

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